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【ネットショップ限定】ハイランドパーク [1979-2019] 40年 (正規)


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価格:税込418,000(税抜 380,000円)




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[1979-2019] 40yo

Rich and beautifully balanced, deep and aromatic, and infused with a delicate sweetness, this truly exceptional 40 Year Old single malt whisky is the product of just five refill casks originally laid down before 1979. These casks were brought together in 2008 and filled into first-fill sherry seasoned American oak casks to intensify the maturing whisky’s flavour over a further 10 years of maturation.

The refill casks that originally held this whisky are ideal for a long, slow maturation while the first-fill sherry seasoned casks in which the whisky completed its maturation, bring a depth of character and nutty, fruit-filled notes of sherry to the fore.

We’ve been crafting our award-winning whisky at the Highland Park Distillery in Kirkwall, Orkney, since 1798. Age, experience and respect for tradition may define our whisky, but it’s Orkney that sets it apart. Something magic happens here and the result is the wild harmony of flavours found in our whisky.


Region(地域) Islands
Cask Type(樽タイプ) Sherry&American Oak
Strength(度数) 43.2% vol.
Volume(容量) 700ml


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